【Reminders of Epidemic Response】


我們想在此提醒及呼籲,學生若出現 COVID-19輕微症狀應進行快篩,快篩試劑可通過藥店、超市和便利商店購買。如果快篩結果呈陽性,請至醫院做 PCR檢測。請務必通知衛保組和國際處尋求適切的協助。



防疫聯繫:Ms. Amanda (hwang@ntut.edu.tw)

Dear overseas/international students,

We would like to share some helpful information about public health.
Students experiencing mild symptoms of COVID-19 should take a COVID-19 self-test. Rapid test kits are sold through pharmacies, supermarkets, and convenience stores. If students get positive test results for Coronavirus, they should go to the hospital to do a PCR test. 
***Please do contact the Health Division of NTUT and OIA for assistance.

Please stay home until the symptoms resolve. They cannot enter campus during the period of self-isolation and self-monitoring.
In the case of students experiencing the following symptoms: difficulty breathing, a persistent pain or pressure in the chest, difficulty waking up or staying awake, pallor, gray, or blue-colored skin, lips, or face, they should immediately contact 119.

Please keep wearing a face mask, avoid poorly ventilated spaces and crowds, and wash your hands frequently.

Contact: Ms. Amanda (hwang@ntut.edu.tw)