JASSO Scholarship Short Term Exchange Program at Kumamoto University

以下為日本交換合作校-熊本大學(Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University)的Jesso獎學金申請資訊,擬請詳細閱讀以下內容,評估自身條件再提出申請。



補助區間:Oct 2024 for either 6 months (till March 2025) or 11 months (till August 2025).


補助額度:80,000 yen per month (participants have to take responsibility for the cost of flight ticket, accommodation, food, health insurance and other living cost etc.)

申請資格:最多錄取10名(Graduate students)


-Research project
 "Current Science and Technology in Japan" in fall semester (2 credits)
At least 3 classes related to topics in environment issues are required.
-Field trip
-Final Report
-Midterm and final presentations.



1. 提出交換生補申請:https://oia.ntut.edu.tw/p/412-1032-9312.php?Lang=zh-tw

2. 繳交獎學金申請文件,請參考熊本大學簡章:https://www.fast.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/gsst-en/special/ijep_for_jasso/


  申請文件:請參考簡章第4點Required Documents,並按照簡章順序排列。

  繳交方式:紙本及掃描檔案  (紙本正本請送至國際處;掃描檔案請寄至outbound@ntut.edu.tw) 




Dear Partner Universities,

Greetings from the Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, Japan.

Today we would like to announce the IJEP Short-Term Exchange Program with JASSO scholarship starting in Oct 2024 for either 6 months (till March 2025) or 11 months (till August 2025). Now we are recruiting 10 applicants (graduate students), who are from partner universities with a student exchange agreement.

The following conditions apply to the programs;
1. Amount of scholarship: 80,000 yen per month
  (participants have to take responsibility for the cost of flight tickets, accommodation, food, health insurance and other living cost, etc.)
2. Start of the program: October 1, 2024
3. Duration of the program: Either 6 or 11 months from October 2024
4. Application Deadline: June 21(Fri), 2024
5. Program contents:
-Research project
 "Current Science and Technology in Japan" in fall semester (2 credits)
At least 3 classes related to topics in environment issues are required.
-Field trip
-Final Report
-Midterm and final presentations

For further information, please visit our website at
( IJEP Short-Term Exchange Program for International Postgraduate Students)

The application form can be downloaded from

・ All application documents should be submitted through the international office of the applicant's home university, and applicants should be recommended with the order of priority. For your convenience, please use the attached Excel form.
・ Please note that our selection committee is responsible for screening applicants and the result may be different from the order of priority at your university.
・ Additional costs for the quarantine process associated with traveling to Japan should be borne by the applicant.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you very much for your support in advance.

Mitsuyo Kishida
KISHIDA Mitsuyo, Ph.D.
Global Joint Education Center for Science and Technology
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Kumamoto University