學務處:112學年度畢業典禮活動公告 Office of Students Affairs:Announcement of 2024 Commencement Ceremony



  1. 本校112學年度畢業典禮訂於113年6月1日上午10時假本校中正紀念館實施(檢附畢業典禮會場指引圖如附件1),囿於應屆畢業生甚多且場地容量有限,依各系所應屆畢業生分配座位 (詳如附件2),請各科、系、所依照座位表人數派員代表參加學校舉辦之正式畢業典禮。同時,亦請各科、系、所、學院自行擇時辦理撥穗授證儀式即「溫馨畢業典禮」。(檢附各教學單位自辦畢業典禮時間與地點,如附件3),期使畢業生猶能感受師生溫馨之祝福,在樂聲中揮別母校,開創個人卓越之未來。
  2. 援例本校中正館中正廳1樓因座位有限,約1440個座位,僅提供應屆畢業生入座(且需穿著學位袍),中正廳2樓可提供600個座位開放給畢業生家長自由入座;唯恐座位不夠使用,本校另開放綜合科館世雄演藝廳406個座位、第二及第三演講廳各可提供180個座位提供畢業生家長自由入座觀看畢業典禮現場直播,並無人數之限制。
  3. 中正館畢業典禮會場將於9:45管制不得進入,典禮於10:00準時開始,因人數眾多,請畢業生提前入場,以免人多而延誤。
    Entry to the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall on campus for the Commencement ceremony will be restricted at 9:45 AM. The ceremony will start on time at 10:00 AM. Due to the large number of people, graduates are requested to enter in advance to avoid delays caused by the crowds.




Dear teachers and graduating students,

  1. The school's Commencement ceremony for the academic year of 2023 is scheduled to take place in the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall on campus at 10:00 AM on June 1, 2024 (as shown in Attachment 1). Due to the large number of graduating students and limited seats in the venue, We have requested representatives from each department to attend the official main ceremony organized by school, based on the proportion of graduating students from each department (international and domestic students are treated equally without any discrimination, as shown in Attachment 2). At the same time, to prevent students from feeling regretful, each department is encouraged to hold its own graduation ceremony, known as "Heartwarming Graduation Ceremony" at the preferred time and location (The times and locations of "Heartwarming ceremony"   organized by each academic unit, as shown in Attachment 3), aiming to allow graduates to feel the warm wishes of their teachers and peers and bid farewell to their alma mater amidst joyous celebrations, as they embark on their journey towards a bright future.

  1. For your reference, the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall on NTUT campus has limited seating, approximately 1440 seats, exclusively reserved for graduating students who are required to wear graduation gowns, while the second floor is open for the parents and families of graduating students to freely occupy the seats. However, to address concerns regarding insufficient seating, we have opened the Shih-Hsiung Hall and the second and third lecture halls of the Integrated Technology Complex to allow the parents and families of graduating students to watch the live stream of the commencement, without restrictions on the number of parents and families allowed to enter.

  1. The above instructions will be announced on the homepage of NTUT and the website of the Office of Student Affairs.

  1. We highly value the opinions of students and parents, and we sincerely accept and consider all suggestions provided. The recommendations will be taken into account for the organization of future important celebratory events by our school.

Reference: https://osa.ntut.edu.tw/p/404-1041-136548.php