【Forward】The 9th 'Trending Taiwan' Short Film Contest Officially Begins!

 Competition Introduction and Important Information

  1. Objectives:
    • We’re keen to select outstanding short films that capture the societal beauty or cultural ambiance unique to Taiwan, featuring inspiring local stories or ephemeral moments of beauty that you think would appeal to an international audience.
    • In addition to Creative Theme Categroy and the Student Special Category of short videos no longer than 3 minutes in length, we are introducing a new Reel-style Short Video Categroy to encourage reel/short style(9:16) vertical submissions of 60 seconds or less in length.
  2. Criteria:
    • There is no age limit or restriction based on nationality. The competition is open to everyone. There is no registration fee.
    • Those under the age of 18 require a letter of consent from their legal guardian.
    • Those invited to serve as judges for the competition may not enter the competition.
    • Units under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are not eligible to enter the competition.
    • The works submitted shall be original and have never received any award at any other public competition and/or selection.
    • Criteria for Special Student Category:
      Students enrolled at institutions accredited by the R.O.C. Ministry of Education at the time of registration are eligible to submit under this category. The criteria is applicable to all team members. Student entrants must email: trendingtaiwan2023@gmail.com with proof of enrollment. The subject line of the email should read: "2023潮台灣_submission’s name_學生團隊之佐證文件."
  3. Submission Period: July 20 – September 30, 2023 (before 23:59:59 Taipei time)
  4. How to Submit: (Note: All entries must be uploaded. DVDs sent by mail will not be accepted)
    • Step 1: Upload the video in the required format to your personal YouTube channel.
    • Step 2: Click the “Submit” button on the official website.
    • Step 3: Fill out the registration information including, entrant name and/or team name (including names of individual team members) and bios, filmmakers’ nationality (tick either ROC or foreign nationality), film theme (no more than 300 words), and film URL. The consent box for the competition rules in the registration process must be ticked.
  5. Results Announcement:
    • October 19, 2023 (Thur.): the names of the 40 shortlisted submissions will be announced on the event website.
    • October 31, 2023 (Tues.): The list of winners will be announced at an awards ceremony. There will be 16 winners, who will be required to sign a copyright authorization agreement.
  6. Awards Ceremony: October 31, 2023 (Tues).
  7. Winner Announced on Website: November 2, 2023 (Thu).


For more information, please check the website: https://web.cheers.com.tw/trending-taiwan/2023/en_index.html