


(1) 遵守中華民國(台灣)的法律法規。

(2) 年齡須滿16歲(未成年人需提供法定代表人或監護人同意書)。

(3) 熱衷於服務,能夠接受指派任務並達成目標。

(4) 願意參加各種訓練課程。

(5) 能夠自行管理訓練及比賽期間的交通和住宿。

(6) 具備志願服務經驗或能夠提供專業技能(例如外語)。

Eligibility Requirements:

(1) Must comply with the laws and regulations of the Republic of China (Taiwan).

(2) Must be at least 16 years old (minors must provide Legal Representative or Guardian Agreement).

(3) Must be enthusiastic about service, able to accept assigned tasks, and achieve objectives.

(4) Must be willing to undergo various training programs.

(5) Must be able to manage their own transportation and accommodation during the training and the games.

(6) Have Previous volunteer experience or the ability to offer specialized skills (e.g., foreign languages).