2017 International Student Admission and Scholarship Result






(1) 華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)B級(含)以上成績或證書。

(2) 馬來西亞教育文憑(SPM)華文成績C(含)以上成績單。

(3) 馬來西亞獨中統一考試華文成績C(含)以上成績單。

在校生可憑其學業成績申請續領次年獎勵。 續領資格:前一學年學業成績總平均達70分以上,操行達80分以上者。

如您已於申請入學時提供以上文件,即具受獎生身分。如欲申請獎學金但尚未提供文件,煩請於2017年7月31日(一)前將任一文件電子檔寄給Tracy Yeh: intstudy@ntut.edu.tw,主旨請寫:新生申請北科大優秀華語外籍生獎學金_您的姓名。(example: 新生申請北科大優秀華語外籍生獎學金_Tracy Yeh) ,並於信中註明您的姓名、錄取系所以及申請序號(Application No.)。 







Dear applicants,

Thanks for your support. The Admission and Scholarship Results for Fall Intake 2017 are now available. Please check the attached files.

For ACCEPTED students, please log in to the Online Application System and finish your "Intent to Enroll" by June 15.  The hard copy of Letter of Acceptance will be posted to your mailing address (same one that you specified in the Online Application Form) shortly and is expected to arrive no later than Mid July. Under normal circumstances, it takes 3-5 days to deliver if the address is within Taiwan, and 2-3 weeks to deliver if the address is outside of Taiwan. 


All new master students, except for Taiwan Scholarship Recipients and Indonesia DIKTI Scholarship Recipients, (1) Tuition Waiver (≈ NT 130,000 waived) and (2) Monthly Stipend NT 6,000 (NT 72,000 in total) for the first academic year (from August 2017 to July 2018).

All new PhD students, except for Taiwan Scholarship Recipients and Indonesia DIKTI Scholarship Recipients, (1) Tuition Waiver (≈ NT 130,000 waived) and (2) Monthly Stipend NT 12,000 (NT 144,000 in total) for the first academic year (from August 2017 to July 2018).

Admission offers to those on the Waiting List will announce the result on June 20. If you are admitted by then, you will also be granted the above-mentioned scholarships. 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at intstudy@ntut.edu.tw

Thank you.