2016 - International Student Admission and Scholarship Result

正取說明 Instructions for Admitted Students:

  1. 錄取通知書及獎學金獲獎通知書將於6月底郵寄至您的通訊地址,郵寄時間臺灣約3-5天,臺灣以外地區約2-3周。

    The paper version of the Admission Notice/Letter of Acceptancewill beposted to your mailing address (same one that you specified in the Online Application Form)shortly and is expected to arrive by the end of June. Under normal circumstances, it takes 3-5 days to deliver if the address iswithin Taiwan, and 2-3 weeks to deliver if the address is outside of Taiwan.
  2. 若錄取榜單有您的名字,請至國際學生線上系統回覆是否就讀

    If your name appears on the Admission List, please login to the Online Application System to indicate your intent to enroll.
  3. 碩士新生皆享有一學年學雜費減免(已獲任何政府獎學金者則自動喪失此補助資格)。

    Admitted international master’s students, excluding those who have been receiving financial aid from the R.O.C. government or any other governmental organizations and affiliations of Taiwan, are eligible to receive the TAIPEI TECH International Graduate Student Scholarship which grants them tuition wavier for the Academic Year 2016/2017.
  4. 國際博士新生皆享有一學年學雜費減免及額外新臺幣1萬2仟元整之獎學金(已獲任何政府獎學金者則自動喪失此補助資格)。

    Admitted international doctoral students, excluding those who have been receiving financial aid from the R.O.C. government or any other governmental organizations and affiliations of Taiwan, are eligible to receive the TAIPEI TECH International Graduate Student Scholarship which grants them tuition wavier and an additional monthly stipendof NT$12,000 for the Academic Year 2016/2017.

備取說明 Instructions for Students placed on Reserve List



The assessment of all 2016/2017 admission applications has been completed, and it is the college’s decision that you are placed on the reserve list.

Students who are not admitted during the 1st round are placed on the reserve list. If an admitted student declines an offer, candidates on the reserve list will receive an offer in order of their ranks (e.g. Reserve#1 will be the first to be offered the first vacancy and so on). Offers to candidates on the reserve list will be announced at the end of July.