Formal TOCFL test of 2016 will be administered on Nov 5 and 6

Please be notified that the formal TOCFL test of 2016 will be administered on November 5 and 6. The registration period is from 9 AM, September 26 to 6 PM, October 14. Welcome the candidates who are non-native speakers of Chinese to take the test. The test seats are limited, seize the chance!
[More Details[Register for Test] [Download Regulation] [Issuance of TOCFL Certificates Regulations

※Take the three tests (Listening & Reading, Speaking and Writing), you can get 20% off your test fee. [Registration Process for Discount]
※To secure your slot, you must make your payment in 3 days once you register.

華語文能力測驗將在11月5日及6日舉行,報名時間從9月26日上午9點起至10月14日下午6點止,歡迎母語非華語之人士報考。名額有限, 請儘早報名! 
[詳細內容] [我要報名] [簡章下載] [聽讀能力證書核發規範
