[轉知訊息]法國2022 Summer School Program

課程名稱:2022 Summer School Program-Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Smart Cities(連結)


課程時間:July,4th, 2022 to July 22th, 2022 (3 weeks)

課程費用:EURO $2,400


AI Fundamentals & Applications, solving urban problems using AI (12H) - aivancity

Smarter cities: using Data to drive urban innovation (12H) - aivancity

Keys in development of smart cities: BIM, Smart Grid and Energy management (12H) – ESTP*

Sustainable Smart Cities through AI & IoTs (12H) – EPF

Red wire project: how to imagine a smart Paris-Cachan campus (in collaboration with Cachan City)


  1. 申請者請完成「出國研修資料表」(連結)填寫,並寄至cxp351@ntut.edu.tw

  2. 申請者請至法國校方網頁完成報名。