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2023 Spring Semester, Overseas Students Safety & Security Seminar (1)

For students to know more about living in Taiwan, the related laws, and what to do when encountering an incident, the Office of International Affairs will hold an Overseas Students Safety & Security Seminar.
1.    There are 4 main topics: Gender equity, Road Traffic Safety, Anti-drug, and Anti-Fraud.
2.    The seminar will be presented in English. Chinese and English handouts would be provided.
3.    There will be a quiz after the presentation, you could do the quiz with the handouts. Students who participate the whole seminar and get higher than 70 points from the quiz will receive the Certificate of Participation.

1.    The "Certificate of Participation" would be a requirement for applying for the scholarship.
2.    No entry after 12:25. The OIA will hold another seminar in this semester, please attend another one if you could not come in time.

Date: 2023.05.09 (Tuesday)
Time: 12:15 ~ 13:15. Doors open at 12:00. There is no on-site registration.
Location: 2nd Lecture Hall, Integrated Technology Complex, Taipei Tech
Please register before April 25 17:00. The form will be closed if the limited attendance is required.



1.    講座內容包含性別平等、交通安全、反毒、防詐騙四大主題。
2.    講座使用語言為英文,提供中、英文版講義。
3.    講座結束後會有一個小測驗(可參看講義),全程參與講座且測驗達70分方可領取講座參加証明。

1.    「講座參加證明」為申請獎學金時校內審查文件之一。
2.    12:25後禁止入場;本學期會舉辦其他場安全講座,請之後再參加。



聯絡人 Contact:謝小姐 Ms. Rita Hsieh
電話 Tel:(02)2771-2171 ext. 6525

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