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Apply for Taiwan Visa and Alien Resident Certificate (ARC)

International Students (Hong Kong and Macau not included)

Before Arrival

Please click the following link based on your identity and follow the respective instruction in order to apply for the Resident Visa.

Resident Visa for Foreign Students: https://www.boca.gov.tw/cp-166-283-c4da3-2.html

Resident Visa for Overseas Chinese Students: https://www.boca.gov.tw/cp-166-288-b3876-2.html


After Arrival

If you are granted a Visitor Visa...

Visitor Visa → Resident Visa → ARC

  1. Visitor Visa holders must change to Resident Visa before it expires.
  2. Required documents :
    。Fill out the application form online and print it out
    。Two color passport-size photos
    。Passport (Original & photocopy)
    。Admission Letter (Original & photocopy)
    。Health Certificate issued within last 3 months (Please go to the approved hospitals)
  3. Application Fee: Please refer to “
    Standard Fees for R.O.C. (Taiwan) Visas in Foreign Passports”.
  4. Location: Bureau of Consular Affairs

Visitor Visa → Resident Visa → ARC

  1. Resident Visa holders must apply for Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) through
    the online registration and certification system within 30 days after arrival.
  2. Required documents :
    1. 。A 2-inch color photo that is front-facing, above the waist, and without wearing a hat
    2. 。Passport & Resident Visa (original & photocopy)
    3. 。Enrolment Certificate or Student ID with registration stamp
    4. 。Proof of residence in Taiwan
  3. Application Fee: NTD 1,000
  4. Location: National Immigration Agency
  5. Submit one photocopy of ARC to the OIA.

If you are granted a Resident Visa...

Resident Visa → ARC

  1. Resident Visa holders must apply for Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) through
    the online registration and certification system within 30 days after arrival.
  2. Required documents :
    1. 。A 2-inch color photo that is front-facing, above the waist, and without wearing a hat
    2. 。Passport & Resident Visa (original & photocopy)
    3. 。Enrolment Certificate or Student ID with registration stamp
    4. 。Proof of residence in Taiwan
  3. Application Fee: NTD 1,000
  4. Location: National Immigration Agency
  5. Submit one photocopy of ARC to the OIA.

港澳生 Hong Kong and Macau Students
(Double nationalities and other nationalities are not included)




  1. 同學自行至境外人士線上申辦系統申請「入出境許可證」,申請事由點選「留學」。
  2. 上傳文件:
  3. 如無須補正相關證明文件,自送件翌日起算5個工作天完成辦理
  4. 線上繳費:單次入出境證新臺幣600元
  5. 電子入出境許可證及收據下載



1. 入出境許可證轉居留證需於抵臺15天內完成申請

2. 由申請人上居留證線上申辦系統申請。

3. 上傳申請文件:

  1. 中華民國臺灣地區入境居留申請書乙份,並貼正面白底彩色脫帽照片乙張(同中華民國國民身分證照片規格)。
  2. 香港或澳門永久居民身分證正本、影本1份。(驗正本繳影本,正反面印在同一面)
  3. 入境許可證正本、影本各1份。(驗正本收影本)
  4. 3個月內健康檢查合格證明書。
  5. 本校錄取通知書(單獨招生)或海外聯合招生分發通知書。(驗正本收影本)
  6. 在學證明。
  7. 住宿證明(校內住宿證明需加蓋單位戳章,在外居住者需附租約證明)。
  8. 三個月內經駐外館認證最近5年內無刑事犯罪記錄證明書(又稱良民證);未滿20歲者(年滿20歲當年度9月1日前亦計算之)免附。

4. 申請地點:內政部移民署

5. 申請費用:臺灣地區居留入出境證:新臺幣2,600元。於該證40次出入境許可欄位用畢前,無需申請出入境許可;於40次次出入境許可欄位用畢後,需重新申請本證。

6. 取得居留證後,請務必繳交1份影本至國際處。


For the most updated and complete information, please refer to the websites below.


內政部出入國及移民署 National Immigration Agency

台北市中正區廣州街15號 No.15, Guang Jhou Street, Jhongjheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan 100-66



交通方式 Transportation

捷運小南門站2號出口 Metro Xiaonanmen station Exit 2 或 捷運西門站3號出口 Ximen Station Exit 3



外交部領事事務局 / Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

台北市濟南路一段2-2號3-5樓 / 3-5F. No2-2, Chi-Nan Road, Sec 1, Taipei, Taiwan

Tel: +886-2-2343-2888



交通方式 Transportation

It takes about 15 minutes to walk from the M8 exit of the Taipei Main MRT Station to the Bureau of Consular Affairs.
It takes about 10 minutes to walk from the No. 2 exit of the National Taiwan University Hospital MRT station to the Bureau of Consular Affairs.
It takes about 10 minutes to walk from the No. 2 exit of the Shandao Temple MRT station to the Bureau of Consular Affairs.

National Taiwan University Hospital Station: 2, 15, 18, 22, 37, 208, 222, 227, 261, 615, 648, Zhongshan Line, Hsinyi Line



International Students Visa Renewal Regulations and Notice:

1. According to Articles 31, 74-1, and 18 of the Immigration Act, an alien shall apply to the National Immigration Agency for an extension before his/her visit or residence expires if he/she has to continue his/her visits or residence in the State.Those who overstay will be subject to a fine ranging from NT$10,000 to NT$50,000 and will be banned from entering Taiwan for a period of at least one year and up to seven years.

2.  Foreign students who need to extend their stay or residence in Taiwan due to academic reasons must apply for an extension with Immigration agency. Those holding a stay visa must apply in person at one of the service stations of the agency within 15 days before the expiration of their stay.Those holding an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) must apply through the "Online Application System for Foreign and Overseas Chinese Students" within three months before the expiration of their residence period.

3. For more information please see the Immigration Agency website: https://www.immigration.gov.tw  

    For  the Immigration Act please see the website:  https://law.moj.gov.tw/ENG/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=D0080132


