Scholarship Renewal Application Instruction
Scholarship Introduction
There are various types of scholarship at Taipei Tech for International Students in different degrees, please confirm which scholarship you receive and see if you need to apply for scholarship renewal.
*Please note that these instructions are only available for current students in Taipei Tech, if you are a future student, please check out our scholarship page instead.
Regulation |
Monthly Stipend
Tuition Waiver
NTUT Chinese-Proficient Scholarship(Hua Yu Scholarship)
4 years at most
- Renewal Application: Every July
NTUT President Award
(Quota Limited)
1 year at most
NTUT Outstanding Academic Achievement Scholarship
(Quota Limited)
3 years at most
(Only from 2nd grade on)
(Can receive Hua Yu Scholarship at the same time)
Taiwan Scholarship–MOFA
(Students from countries that have official diplomatic relationship with Taiwan)
4 years at most
No need to apply for renewal
Taiwan Scholarship–MOE
(Students from countries that doesn’t have official diplomatic relationship with Taiwan)
4 years at most
No need to apply for renewal
Regulation |
Monthly Stipend
Tuition Waiver
NTUT International Graduate Student Scholarship (Master)
(1 year at most)
(2 years at most)
2 years at most
(Only the Full Tuition Waiver can be renewed)
- Renewal Application for Fall Intakes: Every middle of July
- Renewall Application for Spring Intakes: Every late January
Taiwan Scholarship–MOFA
(Students from countries that have official diplomatic relationship with Taiwan)
2 years at most
No need to apply for renewal
Taiwan Scholarship–MOE
(Students from countries that doesn’t have official diplomatic relationship with Taiwan)
2 years at most
No need to apply for renewal
Regulation |
Monthly Stipend
Tuition Waiver
NTUT International Graduate Student Scholarship (PhD)
4 years at most
- Renewal Application for Fall Intakes: Every middle of July
- Renewall Application for Spring Intakes: Every late January
Taiwan Scholarship–MOFA
(Students from countries that have official diplomatic relationship with Taiwan)
4 years at most
No need to apply for renewal
Taiwan Scholarship–MOE
(Students from countries that doesn’t have official diplomatic relationship with Taiwan)
4 years at most
No need to apply for renewal
MOE-Elite Scholarship
(Only for University Lecturers from Southeast Asia/South Asia/African Countries)
Around NT13,000-14,000
(Depends on the tuition fee)
3 years at most
(Can transfer to receive the NTUT International Graduate Student Scholarship in the 4th year)
The renewal regulation is the same as NTUT International Graduate Student Scholarship (PhD)

Scholarship Renewal Application Guidance
Renewal System [LINK] 
The system will only be opened during the application period. Students cannot access the system on other days.
During the application period, the system will only be opened to the students who are eligible for the application this time. However if you want to apply for the renewal but can not log in, please contact Ms. Jenny to check your scholarship status.
Click on the button below according to which scholarship you receive or want to renew to learn more!
NTUT Chinese-Proficient Scholarship (Hua Yu Scholarship)
Application Requirements

Timeline for Renewal

Timeline for Make up application

Please make sure that you meet the following main requirements:
You are not an Overseas Chinese Student (you are an International Student).
Average score of the previous school year should reach 70 points.
Conduct grades of previous 2 semesters must both reach 80 points.
Chinese Proficiency Certificate Level B or above.
Have the certificate of participation of the Overseas Students Safety and Security Seminar obtained within the year.
Have completed the Online Health Questionnaire (you do not need to do it every year).
Required Application Documents
Application Form [Instruction] [Template]
Chinese Proficiency Certificate [Reference]
- Please upload the copy of the official certificate that clearly shows your name and the score.
- Please highlight your score on the PDF file.
Official English Transcript Numeric Version (Sample) [Instruction]
- Please print out the transcript around 3 weeks after the semester ends because the grades will be completed.
- Please print out the transcript from the red machine at the Office of Academic Affairs (2nd floor of the administration building) or the Joint Service Center.
- Make sure you print out the Numeric Version (as the sample below, ex. 85/94/93), NOT by level (ex. A/B/C/F)!!
- Please highlight your scores (as the sample below).
- The year average must be over 70 points (if you failed any class but the average is still above 70, then it will still be fine).
Certificate of Participation of the Overseas Students Safety and Security Seminar of the year [Instruction]
- Please attend the seminar held by OIA every year and please submit the latest certificate received within a year.
- The OIA will announce the seminar information, please pay attention to our announcements.
FAQ for Hua Yu Scholarship
Q1: What if I did not pass the scholarship renewal?
A1: You can apply for the scholarship renewal again next semester (around late January) for the make up application with the previous 2 semesters' academic scores, the award for the make up application would be half tuition waiver for 1 semester. (And then you need to apply for the renewal again next July).
Q2: What if I failed one of my courses? Would it affect the scholarship renewal?
A2: The requirement for the renewal is the "average score of the previous school year," if you failed one course but the average score still reaches 70 points, and the conduct grades also reaches 80 points, then it would be fine.
Q3: I do not have the overseas students safety and security seminar certificate, what should I do?
A3: The seminar is held every semester, and the information will be announced on the OIA website and email. If you missed the dates and need to apply for the renewal now, please contact Ms. Vivien and complete the seminar online as soon as possible. Please remember to attend the seminar at least every year.
Q4: What should I do during the tuition payment period when the scholarship renewal result is not announced yet?
A4: Do not pay the tuition before the scholarship renewal result is announced even if you're receiving deadline reminders! Otherwise, you may pay for extra or wrong amount. (OIA will take care of the tuition payment deadline for the students who apply for the renewal, don't worry!)

Click the button above to learn more and read carefully before applying.
Application Form for 2025 Spring Make-Up Application 
NTUT International Graduate Student Scholarship: Master
Application Requirements

Timeline for Fall Intakes

Timeline for Spring Intakes

Please make sure that you meet the following main requirements:
Average score of the previous school year should reach 80 points.
Have the certificate of participation of the Overseas Students Safety and Security Seminar obtained within the year.
Have completed the Online Health Questionnaire (you do not need to do it every year).
Required Application Documents
Application Form [Instruction] [Template]
Scholarship Terms of Agreement [Instruction] [Template]
Official English Transcript Numeric Version (Sample) [Instruction]
- Please print out the transcript around 3 weeks after the semester ends because the grades will be completed.
- Please print out the transcript from the red machine at the Office of Academic Affairs (2nd floor of the administration building) or the Joint Service Center.
- Make sure you print out the Numeric Version (as the sample below, ex. 85/94/93), NOT by level (ex. A/B/C/F)!!
- Please highlight your scores (as the sample below).
- The year average must be over 80 points (if you failed any class but the average is still above 80, then it will still be fine).
Certificate of Participation of the Overseas Students Safety and Security Seminar of the year [Instruction]
- Please attend the seminar held by OIA every year and please submit the latest certificate received within a year.
- The OIA will announce the seminar information, please pay attention to our announcements.
FAQ for NTUT International Graduate Student Scholarship for Masters 
Q1: What if I did not pass the scholarship renewal?
A1: You can apply for the scholarship renewal again next semester for the make up application with the previous 2 semesters' academic scores, the award for the make up application would be full tuition waiver for 1 semester.
Q2: Can I apply in the 3rd year of the Master program?
A2: No.
Q3: I do not have the overseas students safety and security seminar certificate, what should I do?
A3: The seminar is held every semester, and the information will be announced on the OIA website and email. If you missed the dates and need to apply for the renewal now, please contact Ms. Vivien and complete the seminar online as soon as possible. Please remember to attend the seminar at least every year.
Q4: What should I do during the tuition payment period when the scholarship renewal result is not announced yet?
A4: Do not pay the tuition before the scholarship renewal result is announced even if you're receiving deadline reminders! Otherwise, you may pay for extra or wrong amount. (OIA will take care of the tuition payment deadline for the students who apply for the renewal, don't worry!)

Click the button above to learn more and read carefully before applying.
Application Form for 2025 Spring 
Scholarship Terms of Agreement for 2025 Spring 
NTUT International Graduate Student Scholarship : PhD
(also for MOE-Elite recipients)
Application Requirements

Timeline for Fall Intakes

Timeline for Spring Intakes

Please make sure that you meet the following main requirements:
Average score of the previous school year should reach 80 points.
Have reached the requirements to the renewal according to your grade (please see the image above)
- If you are going to be in the 2nd year, you can choose to provide 1 International Conference Paper OR 1 International Journal Paper (Must be the 1st author, or at least besides your professor).
- If you are going to be in the 3rd year, you must provide 1 new International Journal Paper (Must be the 1st author, or at least besides your professor). The paper must NOT be the one you used for the 2nd year (or same content for conference proceedings).
- If you are going to be in the 4th year, you must provide 1 new International Journal Paper (Must be the 1st author, or at least besides your professor). The paper must NOT be the one you used for the previous years. Attention: Students who are going to be in the 4th year need to accumulate at least 2 different International Journal Papers (for example, 1 for the 3rd year + 1 for the 4th year, or 2 for the 4th year).
Have the certificate of participation of the Overseas Students Safety and Security Seminar obtained within the year.
Have completed the Online Health Questionnaire (you do not need to do it every year).
Required Application Documents
Application Form [Instruction] [Template]
Scholarship Terms of Agreement [Instruction] [Template]
Official English Transcript Numeric Version (Sample) [Instruction]
- Please print out the transcript around 3 weeks after the semester ends because the grades will be completed.
- Please print out the transcript from the red machine at the Office of Academic Affairs (2nd floor of the administration building) or the Joint Service Center.
- Make sure you print out the Numeric Version (as the sample below, ex. 85/94/93), NOT by level (ex. A/B/C/F)!!
- Please highlight your scores (as the sample below).
- The year average must be over 80 points (if you failed any class but the average is still above 80, then it will still be fine).
Certificate of Participation of the Overseas Students Safety and Security Seminar of the year [Instruction]
- Please attend the seminar held by OIA every year and please submit the latest certificate received within a year.
- The OIA will announce the seminar information, please pay attention to our announcements.
List of Publications to date [Template]
- Please type in the list of your publications to date (which you used for the scholarship renewal), and attach the links as well.
Copy of your Bank Account Passbook
Copy of your ARC
For those who provide the International Conference Paper
International Conference Paper
- The paper should show the title of your paper and your name as the first author (or can be “besides your professor”)
- You must be the first author or the second name listed after your professor.
- If you have co-author, your name must be listed before your co-author.
"Corresponding author" does not completely mean "first author".
1. Your name, your professor's name
2. Your name, other authors name
3. Your professor's name, your name
4. Your name, co-author's name
International Conference Certificate
- Please upload the copy of your International Conference Certificate that shows:
1. The title of your accepted paper
2. Your name as the first author (or can be "besides your professor")
3. The date and section of your presentation that matches the agenda
International Conference Agenda
- Please upload the copy of your International Conference Agenda that shows:
1. The title of your accepted paper
2. Your name as the first author (or can be "besides your professor")
3. The date and section of your presentation that matches the certificate
For those who provide the International Journal Paper
International Journal Paper
- The paper should show the title of your paper and your name as the first author (or can be “besides your professor”)
- The paper must be indexed in either SCI, SCIE, HCI, or AHCI
- The paper must be able to be search from the Journal Citation Reports website.
- You must be the first author or the second name listed after your professor.
- If you have co-author, your name must be listed before your co-author.
- "Corresponding author" does not completely mean "first author".
- For example:
1. Your name, your professor's name
2. Your name, other authors name
3. Your professor's name, your name
4. Your name, co-author's name
Impact Factor of the International Paper
- Please upload the Impact factor of the International Journal which you got accepted that shows:
1. Impact factor
3. Edition and Category
The Impact Factor should be searched from the Journal Citation Reports website.
FAQ for NTUT International Graduate Student Scholarship for PhD 
Q1: What if I did not pass the scholarship renewal?
A1: You can apply for the scholarship renewal again next semester for the make up application with the previous 2 semesters' academic scores, the award for the make up application would be for 1 semester. (And then you need to apply for the renewal again next semester)
Q2: Can I apply in the 5th year of the PhD program?
A2: No.
Q3: I do not have the overseas students safety and security seminar certificate, what should I do?
A3: The seminar is held every semester, and the information will be announced on the OIA website and email. If you missed the dates and need to apply for the renewal now, please contact Ms. Vivien and complete the seminar online as soon as possible. Please remember to attend the seminar at least every year.
Q4: Can I use the paper which I published before I enrolled in Taipei Tech?
A4: No, you cannot. The paper you use to apply for renewal must be accepted/published after you enrolled in Taipei Tech.
Q5: Can I attend a national conference held by Taiwanese institution?
A5: No, you cannot. The paper you use to apply for renewal must be presented in an International Conference.
Q6: What should I do during the tuition payment period when the scholarship renewal result is not announced yet?
A6: Do not pay the tuition before the scholarship renewal result is announced even if you're receiving deadline reminders! Otherwise, you may pay for extra or wrong amount. (OIA will take care of the tuition payment deadline for the students who apply for the renewal, don't worry!)
Q7: If the International Conference do not provide the certificate, what should I do?
A7: You can provide the photo of your attendace and the acceptance or registration records, and any document that you think would be helpful to show that "you have presented in the International Conference and you are the first author of the paper."

Click the button above to learn more and read carefully before applying.
Application Form for 2025 Spring 
Scholarship Terms of Agreement for 2025 Spring 
List of Publications to date for 2025 Spring