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Information for New Students

Enrollment Information

Enrollment / Registration Day

All new students should go to the Office of International Affairs (OIA) to complete the registration procedure on the appointed date of enrollment for the respective academic year (Enrollment Date is announced in the Enrollment Notice for the respective academic year in early August). Late registration might result in the annulment of a student’s admission.

Please submit the following documents on the day of enrollment :
  1. Enrollment Form
  2. ARC
  3. Taiwan Scholarship Certificate (Applicable to Taiwan Scholarship Recipients only)
  4. Bank book
  5. Verified transcripts/diplomas/degrees. Non-Taiwan transcripts / diplomas / degrees must be verified by the Taiwan Embassy, Consulate, or Representative Office in the country of the institution where the transcripts/diplomas/degrees were issued.

* Digital copy is acceptable.

Exams for Bachelor Freshmen

Bachelor Freshmen should attend the exams below :
  1. Chinese Proficiency Examination
  2. English Proficiency Examination
  3. Fundamental Mathematics Examination (Students from the Departments of Business Management, Industrial Design, Architecture, and English, do not need to attend the exam)

* New students who opt to take the English taught Calculus course for international students (sign up at the OIA on Enrollment Day) are exempt from taking the Fundamental Mathematics Examination.

Health Check for New Students

  • The date for Health Check for new students will be annouced in the Enrollment Notice for the respective academic year.
  • For information on health insurance, please click Health & Insurance.

Mental Health  Assessment


Course Selection for New Students

  • Please go online for course selection, if you need to transfer any credits, remember to attach your transcript and complete the procedure of add/drop courses within two weeks.
  • For more information, please refer to the Enrollment Notice of the respective academic year.

Tuition Payment

  • Please complete the tuition payment within two weeks after the semester starts, you can pay your tuition at any of the convenient store nearby (such as 7-11, FamilyMart, O.K. or Hi-Life).
  • Print out your tuition payment slip at 「臺銀學雜費入口網」 ( How to Print Out the Tuition Bill Slip )
  • For more information, please refer to the Enrollment Notice of the respective academic year.

Important Notes

  • All new students should complete the registration procedure. Late registration might result in the annulment of a student's admission.
  • All new students are required to read the Enrollment Notice and Guide for New Students in detail prior to arrival. Students should download and print out both documents for their own reference.


International Student Section

Phone: (886)-2-2771-2171 ext. 6513、6514、6515

