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Enrollment Notice


在校生 (All Current Students):

僑生(Overseas Chinese Students):

外籍生(International Students):

 For the Enrollment Certificate, please print it out from the red machine at the 2nd floor of the administration building, OAA or the 5th floor of the administration building, or the 1st floor 3rd teaching building. after your enrollment is completed (not at OIA).

 學雜費繳交教學 Tuition Payment Instructions [中文 請點此] [English Click Here]

You can still pay the tuition after the deadline (but no later than September 23), please print out the bill from the Bank of Taiwan system. You can NOT pay at the convenience store anymore in this case.

 休/退學注意事項 Apply for Suspension/Drop-out and Resumption of Study [中文 請點此] [English Click Here]

 保險 Insurance [中文 請點此] [English Click Here]

 獎學金 Scholarship [外籍生 International Students Click Here] [About Scholarship Renewal from the 2nd year] [僑生 Overseas Chinese Students Click Here]

