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Ask for Leave of Absense

Step 1. Log in the student portal of NTUT: https://nportal.ntut.edu.tw/index.do?thetime=1625012556842

Step 2. Choose 學務系統➜學生請假系統➜Select the type of leave of absence of yours (假單類別)

Step 3. Choose the date and confirm (請假日期確認) and type the reason of your absence.

Step 4. Click on the class session you want to ask for.

Step 5. Preview(預覽)

Step 6. Upload related documents as proof.

Step 7. Click 確認送出

Step 8. Click 查詢個人請假紀錄 on the left side of the page.

Step 9. Click 查詢


There should be two kinds of paper of leave of absence: digital and paper.

A. Digital: the system will send out the application to the offices.

B. Paper: click on the number of which you would like to print out. Print it out and then send to each required office by yourself.
