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2023 Fall Semester, Overseas Students Safety & Security Seminar

Dear all overseas students,

'Overseas Students Safety & Security Seminar' for Fall semester will be held at 12:40 to 15:00 pm on 7th, December, 2023. You are strongly encouraged to attend this seminar. Especially for the students who had been applying or have received any scholarship or stipend, you are reqested to participate in the seminar. Please be aware of your right and opportunity.
Overseas students in Taipei Tech are requested to attend at least one this seminar every year. If you haven't attended this year(2023), then you have to come next year(2024).
We hope overseas students could get more awareness of safety and security staying in Taiwan.
Thank you for your attention!

Link for registration(200 students are limitted):https://forms.gle/j4bVyPehuK8ZMjwMA
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