僑外生(含港澳)畢業後在臺實習申請 (111年6月10日申請截止)
- 請於居留證效期截止2個月前提出申請,收件截止日為111年6月10日。
- 實習證明書由實習機構填寫、用印並提出相關證明文件
- 請將以下應備文件以PDF格式,寄至
1.申請表 (附件2)
申請表件電子檔也可至本部國際及兩岸教育司網頁 (http://depart.moe.edu.tw/ed2500/) -「 業務專區 」 - 「僑外生事務 」,依僑生、外國學生類別,點選 「畢業後實習」資料下載使用。
5.推薦書或醫師國家考試文件等相關證明文件 (碩士以上免附)
6.實習證明書 (附件3,請提供給實習機構填寫)
- 僑外生在台實習:需申請學生工作許可證 (https://oia.ntut.edu.tw/p/412-1032-9105.php?Lang=zh-tw)
- 僑外生畢業後留台實習:你的學生工作許可將於畢業時立即失效,若已被企業錄取,並確定畢業後將留在臺灣實習,需申請僑外生畢業後留台實習許可
- 僑外生畢業後留台尋找工作機會:請持畢業證書至移民署延長居留證,最多可延長一年。居留證延長期間”不可打工”,只能”尋找”正職工作。 (https://bit.ly/3eKDtVF)
- 僑外生畢業後留台工作:錄取你的公司會協助你申請聘僱許可,相關規定請參考https://is.gd/nQlDv1 。(*如何轉換成工作居留證?請攜帶在職證明書至移民署各地服務站辦理)
Application for International Graduates Internship in Taiwan (2022.06.10 deadline)
- Please submit your application at least 2 months before your ARC expiration date. Application Deadline is June 10th, 2022
- Your internship institution shall provide attachment 3 with signature and required supporting documents.
- Please email the following required documents in PDF to hwang@ntut.edu.tw
- Application Form (Attach5)
- Copy of NTUT Admission
- Copy of ARC
- Full transcript (You could apply it from register division)
- Support documents such as recommendation letter or proof of having passed the first stage of the National Physician Exam, etc. (Exempt if you are a M.S. student or higher degree.)
- Agreement from Internship Institution (Attach3, please provide it for your internship institution to complete.)
- Business Registration Certificate of Internship Institution
[Other regulation]
- Students do an internship in Taiwan: You have to apply for a student work permit. (https://oia.ntut.edu.tw/p/412-1032-13812.php?Lang=en)
- Graduates stay in Taiwan for the internship: Your student work permit will invalid once you graduate, so if you confirm to take an offer and will stay in Taiwan for an internship, you have to apply for the internship permit.
- Graduates seek a job in Taiwan: Please go to National Immigration Agency and submit your diploma to extend your ARC. The maximum duration of the extension is one year. During the extension period, you are “NOT allowed to work” because you don’t have a work permit, you can only “seek” a full-time job. (https://bit.ly/3eKDtVF)
- Graduates stay in Taiwan for work: Your company shall help you to apply for a work permit. For relevant information, please visit https://is.gd/nQlDv1 (*How to apply for Employment ARC? Please go to the local NIA’s service center with your in-service certificate.)