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IMPORTANT NOTICE: COVID-19 Level 3 Alert Measures and Related Penalties

Important Notice ~ About COVID-19 Prevention Measures and Penalties

Dear All,

Taiwan is at Covid-19 Level 3 epidemic prevention. Everyone in Taiwan must follow the CECC regulations. Violation will subject to penalties and fined without prior warnings.

  1. One must wear a mask at all time when in public. According to Paragraph 1, Article 70 of the Communicable Disease Control Act, once a violation of the rule is found, penalties of 3,000NT ~15,000NT will be imposed without prior warnings.

  1. Family or social gatherings involving over 5 people indoors; 10 people outdoors are prohibited. Violating CECC regulation will be subjected to 60,000NT ~300,000NT fined, based on Subparagraph 2, Paragraph 1, Article 67 of the Communicable Disease Control Act .

  1. Food and beverage venues should only offer takeout services. Violating CECC regulation will be subjected to 3,000NT ~15,000NT fined, based on Paragraph 1, Article 70 of the Communicable Disease Control Act.
    Updated on July 11th, currently only Penghu County opens up for dine-in services. All restaurants in other cities and counties in Taiwan remain takeout only services at this time.


A. Remain Social distance: Keep 1.5 meter away from each other.

B. Do not take off your mask in the public. Eating and smoking in the public are also prohibited.

C. Authority will impose the penalties once the violation is reported.

D. Based on Paragraph 17, Article 8 and Paragraph 15, Article 9 of Taipei University of Technology’s Student Merit and Demerit Procedures, those who violate the Communicable Disease Control Act will be given warnings or demerits, which could further impact scholarship eligibility.

On or off-campus, please follow the regulations at all times. Thank you all for your cooperation.






 1. 外出時全程配戴口罩配合實聯制

        違者依據傳染病防治法第 70 條第 l 項規定,處新臺幣3千元以上15千元以下罰鍰。

2.  除可開放營業場所外,停止室內 5 人以上,室外10人以上之聚會

違者依據傳染病防治法第 67 條第 l 項第 2 款規定,處新臺幣 6 萬元以上 30 萬元以下罰鍰。

3. 全面禁止在營業場所內飲食,僅得可以提供外帶或外送服務:
違者依據傳染病防治法第 70 條第 l 項規定,處新臺幣3千元以上15千元以下罰鍰。



A. 人與人之間,保持安全社交距離1.5公尺

 B. 請勿在室外時脫下口罩。在室外禁止飲食與抽菸。





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