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【Forward】National Taiwan University "2023 NTU Open House"

In order to promote cultural exchange and foster a deeper understanding of National Taiwan University (NTU), the 2023 NTU Open House is organized specifically for overseas students residing in Taiwan. This event encompasses a series of informative lectures, engaging campus tours, and interactive workshops.

Organizer: Office of International Affairs, National Taiwan University
Date and Time: 2 (Sat) December, 2023
Venue: NTU Taipei Campus (No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei 106216) 
Language: English
Quota: 30
Fee: NTD 650; Early Bird NTD 500

Please refer to the attachment for "Eligibility and Requirements", "Application Procedures", and "Itinerary".

Contact Person:
Rebecca CHOW (Manager, OIA), 02-33662007#394, ynchow@ntu.edu.tw

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