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2024 Fall semester-Taipei Tech International Graduate Students Scholarship Renewal Application (July 17-24)

【Important Announcement】

1. We will only accept application online.

2. The online application system will be available to upload from July 17 (Wednesday) at 9:00 AM, 2024.

**If you want to apply but failed to log in, please contact Ms. Jenny (jennyyu@ntut.edu.tw) as soon as possible with the email title of "2024 Fall Scholarship Renewal--Your student number--Your name."
**Master students who already passed the 2024 Spring Semester Renewal do NOT need to apply anymore.

3. The instruction for online submitting is attached, please read them carefully. [LINK]

【Application Qualification】

  • Master students whose student ID begins with 112xxxxxx or enrolled in 2023 Fall semester may be eligible to apply.
  • Ph.D students whose student ID begins with 110xxxxxx, 111xxxxxx and 112xxxxxx may be eligible to apply.
  • Students who did not successfully renew the scholarship before can submit make-up application for one semester (2024 September to 2025 February; 6 months) at this time.

【Application Uploading Period】

July 17th at 10:00 AM to July 24th at 5:00 PM, 2024(The earlier, the better)

【Required Documents】

Please download the attachments and submit all the required documents online. (Please refer to the guidelines and follow them carefully!)

For Master Student (4 requirements to upload):

1) Application Form with the recommendation and signature of your Advisor/Instructor.

 (Please download the attached form and type in, and sign by hand)

2) Terms of the agreement (Please download the attached form and sign by hand)

3) Official English Transcript of the latest 2 semesters (Please make sure the total credit and average has shown on the transcript; please print it after July 15!)

4) Certificate of participant--Overseas students safety and security seminar

**If you do not have this certificate, please contact Ms. Vivien (wacvoia@ntut.edu.tw) as soon as possible.

**If you have the certificate from 2023, you may use it to apply.

**If you have not attended the seminar before, you can still apply this time, but must attend the next seminar and provide the certificate within a year.

For PhD Student who submit the Conference Paper (10 requirements to upload):

1) Application Form with the recommendation and signature of your Advisor/Instructor.

 (Please download the attached form and type in, and sign by hand)

2) Terms of the agreement (Please download the attached form and sign by hand)

3) Official English Transcript of the latest 2 semesters (Please make sure the total credit and average has shown on the transcript; please print it after July 15!)

4) List of all publications to date (Please download the attached form and type in)

5) The conference paper / The abstract (Must show you are the first author. Please highlight your name and accepted date)

6) The International Conference certificate (Must show you are the first author. Please highlight your name and accepted date)

7) The schedule or agenda of the conference (Must show you are the first author. Please highlight your name and accepted date)

8) Certificate of participant--Overseas students safety and security seminar

**If you do not have this certificate, please contact Ms. Vivien (wacvoia@ntut.edu.tw) as soon as possible.

**If you have the certificate from 2023, you may use it to apply.

**If you have not attended the seminar before, you can still apply this time, but must attend the next seminar and provide the certificate within a year.

9) Cover of your bank account passbook

10) Copy of your ARC

For PhD Student who submit the Journal Paper (9 requirements to upload):

1) Application Form with the recommendation and signature of your Advisor/Instructor.

 (Please download the attached form and type in, and sign by hand; please fill out all of your application record to date as well)

2) Terms of the agreement (Please download the attached form and sign by hand)

3) Official English Transcript of the latest 2 semesters (Please make sure the total credit and average has shown on the transcript; please print it after July 15!)

4) List of all publications to date (Please download the attached form and type in)

5) The Journal paper / The abstract (Must show you are the first author. Please highlight your name and accepted date)

6) InCites Journal Citation Reports (https://jcr.clarivate.com/JCRLandingPageAction.action)

7) Certificate of participant--Overseas students safety and security seminar

**If you do not have this certificate, please contact Ms. Vivien (wacvoia@ntut.edu.tw) as soon as possible.

**If you have the certificate from 2023, you may use it to apply.

**If you have not attended the seminar before, you can still apply this time, but must attend the next seminar and provide the certificate within a year.

8) Cover of your bank account passbook

9) Copy of your ARC


Please refer to the instructions and check all your documents before submitting carefully.

Late submissions will not be considered.

For more information, you can follow the instructions attached.

If you have any questions, please contact OIA Ms. Jenny Yu (jennyyu@ntut.edu.tw) with the email title of "2024 Fall Renewal--Student number--Your name."

**Please pay attention to your email in case you miss any important information.

**Please DO NOT pay your tuition fee yet before you receive any email notification from us.



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