
Apply for Traveling Abroad during the COVID-19 pandemic

Apply for Traveling Abroad during the COVID-19 pandemic

Step 1


Read 「Important Notice for Traveling Abroad for current overseas students of Taipei Tech

Step 2

臺北科大與臺灣政府獎學金受獎學生必需跟國際處陳凱琳老師連絡及了解離臺後對獎學金領取資格的影響 。

Recipients of Taipei Tech Scholarships and Taiwan Government Scholarships are required to contact(Email) Ms. Kailing Chen at Office of International Affairs (OIA) regarding your scholarship status and fully understand your scholarship status while you are out of Taiwan.

Step 3


Fill out the 「National Taipei University of Technology Travel Abroad Declaration and Application Form」. Have the form signed and sealed by an advisor or advising professor and the department head.

Step 4

請於離境前2周完成「2022 北科大在學境外生離臺申請」google表單」並上傳應備文件,完成送出google表單,並且收到國際處回信確認審核成功後,始視為申請完成。

Fill out the 「Application for Traveling Abroad for Current Overseas Students at Taipei Tech」 google form and upload required documents 2 weeks before your departure. Your traveling application will not be considered complete until you have submitted the google form and received a confirmation email from OIA.


Important Notice for Traveling Abroad for current overseas students of Taipei Tech

  1. 欲申請出境,請依照上方步驟於離境2周前繳交google表單,完成離臺申請,未送出離臺申請而逕自出境者,將會取消獎學金受獎資格及其他權益。
    If you would like to leave Taiwan, please follow the steps above and fill in the google form 2 weeks before your departure. Those who leave the country without applying for the leave will be disqualified for the scholarship, other rights and interests.
  2. 出境者如機票與防疫旅宿有任何更改,要立即通知國際處,否則將會影響您的獎學金領取資格。
    If there are any changes to your travel plans, please inform OIA immediately. Otherwise, it will affect your scholarship rights.
  3. 出境後若無法於開學前回臺,需自行與授課教授或指導老師協調與商議,並承擔可能造成的影響(包含學業、宿舍及獎學金等)。
    If you are not able to return to Taiwan before the classes start, you have to contact course instructors on your own, and be responsible for the possible impacts (including studies, dormitories and scholarships, etc.).
  4. 依照目前入境政策,若您未持有有效居留證,須經由國際處協助申請入境及發放境外生入境許可。
    According to the current entry policy, if you do not hold a valid Alien Residence Certificate (ARC), you need OIA to assist you with your entry application and Overseas Student Entry Permit Certificate.
  5. 根據中央流行疫情指揮中心最新公告,旅客來臺前應取得「表定航班時間前2日內COVID-19核酸檢驗(PCR)報告」,抵臺時須配合於機場採集唾液檢體,以進行病毒核酸檢驗(PCR).
    According latest announcements from the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), travelers are required to present their certificate of a COVID-19 RT-PCR test taken within two days prior to boarding. All arriving passengers are required to have their saliva samples collected at the airport for PCR testing.

Document Download

National Taipei University of Technology Travel Abroad Declaration and Application Form

