Weather in Taiwan
Weather in Taiwan
Taiwan's climate is subtropical, meaning it is often humid and that an umbrella is a necessity around the year. The highest temperature during summer might reach 38°C and the lowest temperature in winter might drop to 13°C. Northern parts of Taiwan are usually cooler than the southern parts with a temperature difference of approximately 3°C.
General guide to weather in Taiwan
Spring months: April, May
Weather characteristics—mostly rainy and damp; temperature ranges from just below 20 to mid-20s (°C)
Summer months: June, July, August, September
Weather characteristics—sunny with thundershowers; temperature ranges from mid-20s to high 30s (°C).
Autumn months: October, November
Weather characteristics—sunny/cloudy with showers; temperature ranges from mid-20s to mid30s (°C).
Winter months: December, January, February, March
Weather characteristics—sunny/cloudy with showers; temperature ranges from 13 to low-20s (°C).
Taiwan is also prone to earthquakes, mostly minor ones with rare major occurrences.
For more details on the current weather in Taiwan, please visit the Central Weather Administration website:
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